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The EMP Journal


Informed. Supported. Empowered. 


Should I have a Birth Debrief to help process my birth?

Written by Dr Rosie Pajak - Perinatal Psychologist and Founder of The Birth Healing Collective

Birth is an incredibly important, intensely physical and emotional experience for mothers. Part of my work as a perinatal psychologist involves helping parents make sense of how complex their feelings about their birth might be....

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Navigating your next pregnancy as a NICU parent

Written by Dr Rosie Pajak - Perinatal Psychologist and Founder of The Birth Healing Collective

Having a pre-term birth or a baby who needs special medical care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can be an intense and often traumatic experience for parents. Understandably, this affects future pregnancies. If you are...

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'I just want this baby out of me' - A psychologist shares tips to help cope with being overdue

Written by Dr Rosie Pajak - Perinatal Psychologist and Founder of The Birth Healing Collective

There’s nothing quite like the final few weeks of pregnancy. Heavy, tired and uncomfortable, we drop into a strange zone of living life day by day. Waiting for one of life’s biggest experiences to happen, yet having no...

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7 steps to help you prepare for a positive birth from the EMP founders

 Birth. What do you think of when you hear that word? Is it a vision of one of the most empowering and beautiful days of your life? Or does it bring up feelings of fear and disappointment? 

We’ve birthed 6 babies between us (in almost every way possible) and we know that birth rarely goes to plan. One-third of Aussie...

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What a Pelvic Health Physio really wants you to know about birth trauma

Despite one third of all mothers describing their birth as traumatic, so many women go into birth ill-prepared, says EMP Founder and Titled Women's Health Physiotherapist Lyz Evans. Here’s what she wants pregnant women to know.

Birth. What do you think when you hear this word? 

Is it visions of the most incredible day of...

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Maternal Assisted C-Section Birth - Lyz's Birth Story

On the 1st day of May, we welcomed our third child into the world. My daughter Isabelle Florence was born by Maternal Assisted Caesarean Section (MAC) and it was such a magical and empowering birth.

In this post, I want to share the story of Isabelle's birth, as well as some more information about MAC births, including the steps I took...

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An Informed Birth - The Realities of Birth with Women's Health Physio


“I wish I had known”. After hearing that phrase from thousands of women, Titled Women's Health Physio Lyz Evans is sharing the realities of birthing in Australia today so that you can feel informed and empowered for your birth.

We are big believers in helping you to be informed of all the options surrounding your birth. So...

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