Informed. Empowered.


The Truth About Abdominal Separation: The Science Behind Support Garments for optimal Postnatal Recovery


Abdominal separation. Those two words can bring up a lot of fear and confusion for new mothers. Whilst it is a normal part of pregnancy, and is the body’s way of creating space for your baby to grow and develop, abdominal separation or rectus diastasis has become a source of a lot of conflicting (and simply incorrect)...

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What are the best Exercises to Heal Stomach Separation After Birth?


Abdominal Separation. Those two words can bring up a lot of confusion and fear for new mums.  Whilst it is a normal (yes normal!) part of pregnancy, and is the body’s way of creating space for your baby to grow and develop, abdominal separation or rectus diastasis has become a source of a lot of conflicting (and simply...

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