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The EMP Journal


Informed. Supported. Empowered. 


Your Essentials Guide to Safe Exercise with Prolapse


Being diagnosed with prolapse can feel incredibly overwhelming, frustrating and debilitating. You might feel very unsure as to what exercise is safe for you. And you also might be feeling fearful of making your symptoms worse.

We get it. We are here to help you to return to exercise safely with prolapse and heal your body in the best...

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An Informed Birth - The Realities of Birth with Women's Health Physio


“I wish I had known”. After hearing that phrase from thousands of women, Titled Women's Health Physio Lyz Evans is sharing the realities of birthing in Australia today so that you can feel informed and empowered for your birth.

We are big believers in helping you to be informed of all the options surrounding your birth. So...

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Is Exercise Safe During Pregnancy - The Guidelines


In Australia only 15% of pregnant women are doing the recommended level of exercise! We want to change that! Experts recommend that pregnant women should be doing between 150-300 minutes of moderate to slightly vigorous exercise per week, including two strength and resistance workouts each week. 


Why? One reason is that...

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Your Six Week Check - Why You Need More than 30 Minutes at the GP

By Lyz Evans - Titled Women's Health Physio

You may have heard of the 6-week postnatal check. It is often viewed as the ‘holy grail’ for women for post-birth clearance. Whether it be to swim, to lift heavier than 4kg, return to exercise, to drive, or for some keen Mummas to return to sex, the 6-week check can be...

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