Birth is an incredibly important, intensely physical and emotional experience for mothers. Part of my work as a perinatal psychologist involves helping parents make sense of how complex their feelings about their birth might be....
Written by Dr Rosie Pajak - Perinatal Psychologist and Founder of The Birth Healing Collective
Soon after giving birth, most women are thrust straight into the next challenge – figuring out how to breastfeed.
The first few weeks of breastfeeding are usually overwhelming both physically and emotionally. It is usually a...
Despite one third of all mothers describing their birth as traumatic, so many women go into birth ill-prepared, says EMP Founder and Titled Women's Health Physiotherapist Lyz Evans. Here’s what she wants pregnant women to know.
Birth. What do you think when you hear this word?
Is it visions of the most incredible day of...
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