Written by Laura Coventry - Founder and Women's Health Physiotherapist PhysioFemina
Pregnancy is a time of huge change. One day, you are feeling on top of the world; the next, you need help to tie your shoelaces. Your body constantly evolves as you prepare to bring your baby into the world. Whilst all this change can feel overwhelming...
Being diagnosed with prolapse can feel incredibly overwhelming, frustrating and debilitating. You might feel very unsure as to what exercise is safe for you. And you also might be feeling fearful of making your symptoms worse.
We get it. We are here to help you to return to exercise safely with prolapse and heal your body in the best...
Need a Reason to Do your Pelvic Floor in Pregnancy?
Here's a big one! If you are pregnant now and aren't experiencing incontinence or leaking you will be 62% LESS likely to experience incontinence in late pregnancy! #HUGE! You'll also have a 29% lower risk of developing urinary incontinence in the 3-6 months post-birth.
But this is...
Prolapse is much more than 'just' a physical condition. It affects every area of your wellbeing - mental, emotional, sexual and social.
Right now you may feel like your body has failed you. You might feel a little broken or that your old life has suddenly been whipped out from under you.
We are here to remind you that you aren't broken...
Have you recently been diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse? It is a lot more common than you may think. Research indicates:
Some women with...
The Pelvic Floor is one of the most important groups of muscles for postpartum recovery. It is the foundation of your core, it helps to support your organs and it helps to reduce incontinence and leaking.
In this video our Women’s Health Physiotherapist and Founder of the Empowered Motherhood Program Lyz Evans takes you through...
Do you know how to contract your pelvic floor properly?
Studies show that 50% of women don’t! We don’t want you to be one of them!
In this free video, Womens’ Health Physiotherapist and Founder of the EMP, Lyz Evans shares her 5 tips for protecting and strengthening your pelvic floor during pregnancy.
Pregnancy places...
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